Sunday, April 3, 2011

Paris, Je T'Aime (2006) - I am more in love now

I don't write movie reviews. Be it far from me to watch tons of movies and write about them. I like reading reviews though. They're useful sometimes. But on rare occasions, I cannot keep my thoughts on a movie I like to myself. So here goes...

It started with my love affair with the French language. Having finished two levels of the basics and moving on to the subject-verb part, I decided my ears need to hear as much French talkies as I could. I looked for any French gospel songs, but found little (only in youtube). So I was pushed to challenge myself to watch French films without the subtitles.

OK, OK, two levels of the basics, which account for almost nothing, I cannot simply jump into a non-subtitled movie-watching experience. But I had to. I had the urge to do it, being who I am. So I posted a stat message in FB (so that's how FB could be useful!) and asked a few friends to recommend any French films pour moi.

The winner: JsP with Paris, Je T'aime.

One word for the movie: Paris.

It's beatiful, it consists of short films so I'm not obliged to sit through it that long (I can stop and sleep anytime without feeling cut off or something). I watched it in two sittings with a two-week interval, so it was nice. It ended in a song by Feist - one of my favorite secular (French?) artists - and a consolidation of the different shorts in the end.


Now, I am more convinced to go to Paris. Paris, Je T'aime!


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