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Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to be a tennis fan (this is actually not about that)


Tennis season.

I never really got the chance to be big on tennis before my formal tennis training. Now, as I got more and more addicted to Business Insider, I see tennis headlines every day, and read them every day, and click on some slide shows about them every single day.

My tennis training is similar to my training in French. Sporadic, self-motivated and resilient. I think I am made for challenges more than I am made for create a great color palate on my face (or match pieces of clothing).

Seeing the tennis players outdo each other in the US Open 2011 still makes me wonder how in the world will I reach their stage. I want to take tennis seriously (that's why I blindly signed up for a 5-hour tennis marathon this Saturday) and want to win a match (at least a match) against other players from the other churches.

So far, I feel like I've been left out by my batchmates in the game because of lack of time for drills. I never skipped a Saturday schedule, but the weekdays are hard for me to commit to.

I saw some cool-looking racquet carried by players in the US Open. I was wondering how much will it cost me to acquire those. And whether my skills will increase Nadal-like if I buy something that the stars use.

I have a long way to go. But my mind over winning a match is so powerful that I type this in my sleep.

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