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Thursday, July 28, 2011

God' timing


God's timing is not the same as ours. In Greek, it is called the Kairos time - the divind time wherein everything falls into place.

I often see man's common struggle is time. Some people think "There's not much time" do to anything or that "time is too slow" for anything to pass.

2 Peter 3:9 shows us how God's timing is different from us. There are moments when a loved one is too slow in  getting converted, or that the "one" you're praying for has not arrived yet - and you think you're been praying for it for far too long!

God's timing is there already. In Ecclesiastis and Isaiah, we see this well pointed out.

Everything has its perfect timing. God never delays (Habakkuk). Prayer for financial breakthrough is outdated already because God has already blessed us! Prayer for healing is just as outdated, because we have been healed two thousant years ago. Oftentimes, the only thing that "slows" things down is you.

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