Monday, February 7, 2011

Languages 2

OK. I skipped two French and Hebrew lessons last week. Hee hee. I was too busy with the codes of this site and practices and all that jazz that I actually chose to not learn French and Hebrew over the weekend.

I just found out that Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, followed by Spanish and English. Looks like Krs's influence on me will win over soon. But I'm still not convinced I should enroll in Instituto for Spanish. I have friends who know how to speak Spanish, and it's so close to my langauge that I really think I can learn in on my own.

I was looking for Filipino in the list and didn't find it somewhere at the top. I wonder why.

Krs is my French buddy, but Ch's more likely to talk to me in French because Krs has not learned it yet. Ch and I laugh at each other whenever we converse because all I know how to perfectly say is "Where do you want to eat tonight?" pertaining to my constant need to eat out or dine somewhere.

No one helps me with Hebrew. I'm basically self-taught. The words get screwed up in my head and tongue but reading my new Bible version, the Complete Jewish Bible, I find it easier to put my insanity over the Hebrew language into perspective. It basically helps me motivated whenever I feel like giving up.

I particularly like the Hebrew version of Zion. Tziyon. Cool.


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