Sunday, February 6, 2011

Codes XX etc

I thought I've finished the codes for this blog's layout last Friday, while waiting for the office bell to ring uwian. But no. I noticed I still have broken links at the nav bar and some other stuff I haven't added yet.

And I'm so lazy doing codes. How does Zuckerberg and the rest of the billionaires do it? My frustration in website creation in college was that my excitement to see the outcome always precedes any form of encoding. So I would always end up with half-baked stuff. The only other personalized site I had was my old Multiply account. Then it was hacked, and I lost the codes and images for it.

Good job to me.

As I write this, I'm listening to cool music through my high fidelity dolby surround headset. Something I missed not being at home. Meanwhile... I must sleep. Today's God's day already.


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